Research line
The group's main objective is the study of environmental education processes in formal and non-formal contexts. We are dedicated to community-based environmental education, to the articulation between environmental education and political ecology, as well as to crossings with other ways of thinking and building experiences in environmental education. The research is based on the experiences of social movements, traditional populations and groups in a situation of socio-environmental vulnerability in the Latin American context.
The group is linked to the School of Education of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO. It focuses on the study of pedagogical practices in environmental education in formal and non-formal contexts, emerging from popular struggles, social movements, traditional populations, indigenous peoples and groups in a situation of socioenvironmental vulnerability in the Latin American scenario.
Celso Sánchez Pereira - Coordenador | Lattes
Bruno Monteiro - Professor UFRJ | Lattes
Inny Accioly - Professora UFF | Lattes
Rafael Costa - Professor UFRJ | Lattes
Stephanie Salgado - Professora IFRJ | Lattes
Paolo Martins - Professor substituto UERJ | Lattes
Alberto Calil Elias Junior - Professor UNIRIO | Lattes
Alejandra Eisman - Dra. UFF | Lattes
Brenda da Rocha Alexandre - Doutoranda PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Rafaela Bisacchi - Doutoranda PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Mônica Teixeira Ervilha - Pedagogia UNIRIO | Lattes
Cristiane Alexandre da Silva - Pedagogia UNIRIO | Lattes
Patrícia Magalhães Bevilaqua - Dra. UFRJ | Lattes
Anne Kassiadou - Pesquisadora Fiocruz | Lattes
Bárbara Pelacani - Dra. PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Carolina Oliveira - Dra. PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Clementino Junior - Dr. PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Marcelo Stortti - Dr. PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Daniel Camargo - Dr. PPGEdu UNIRIO | Lattes
Sônia Trezinha - MsC PPGEAS UERJ | Lattes
Isabela Deiss - ICMBio | Lattes
Jesús Garcia - PUC Rio | Lattes
Joyce Donegat | Lattes